Transcript Request
The official record of all courses completed at Arkansas State University Three Rivers is the academic transcript. The transcript may also contain transfer credit from other institutions, credit by examination, or credit for prior learning. Students who have received credit from other institutions or through exams should submit official transcripts and/or test scores to the Registrar for evaluation and recording.
Request Process
ASU Three Rivers has partnered with Parchment for online ordering and transcript delivery. Students and alumni may use the link below to create an account and order transcripts.
Release of Transcripts
Student records are protected information and may not be released to any individual, organization, group, or institution without prior written consent of the student, in accordance with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). By completing the Parchment registration process, you consent to the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information by Parchment as described in Parchment’s Privacy Policy.
ASU Three Rivers does not release a transcript if there are outstanding financial obligations to the College. In addition, ASU Three Rivers only releases transcripts created by ASU Three Rivers and its former names: College of the Ouachitas, Ouachita Technical College, and Ouachita Vocational Technical School.
Students may view and print an unofficial ASU Three Rivers transcript from their self-service account.
Any student who feels a grade has been recorded in error has until the end of the following semester, excluding summer sessions, to notify the Registrar. Any exceptions to this procedure must be approved by the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs/Registrar.
Please note: ASU Three Rivers does not release transcripts to students with outstanding financial obligations to the College. Same-day service is not available for official transcripts; most requests take approximately five business days to process. ASU Three Rivers does not fax transcripts.
Through Parchment, the following options are available:
Electronic certified PDF to any valid email address: $8.00
Mail paper transcript options:
USPS Standard: $10.50
USPS International: $13.40
FedEx Overnight Domestic: $40.00
FedEx Express International: $65.00