Nine (9) Hours Required
Three (3) Hours Required
Four (4) Hours Required
Four (4) Hours Required
Fine Arts/Humanities
Three (3) Hours Required
Three (3) Hours Required
Social Sciences
Three (3) Hours Required
Three (3) Hours Required
Three (3) Hours Required
ENGL 1113 Composition I
ACTS Equivalent Course Number = ENGL 1013
ENGL 1213 Composition II
ACTS Equivalent Course Number = ENGL 1023
COMM 2113 Oral Communications
ACTS Equivalent Course Number = SPCH 1003
MATH 1143 College Algebra
ACTS Equivalent Course Number = MATH 1103
MATH 1163 Quantitative Literacy
ACTS Equivalent Course Number = MATH 1113
BIOL 1124 Introduction to Biology
ACTS Equivalent Course Number = BIOL 1004
BIOL 2114 General Botany
ACTS Equivalent Course Number = BIOL 1034
BIOL 2124 General Zoology
ACTS Equivalent Course Number = BIOL 1054
CHEM 1114 Chemistry I for General Ed.
ACTS Equivalent Course Number = CHEM 1004
CHEM 1214 General Chemistry I
ACTS Equivalent Course Number = CHEM 1414
PHYC 1124 Introduction to Physics
PHYC 1134 Introduction to Physical Science
ACTS Equivalent Course Number = PHSC 1004
PHYC 1144 Introduction to Astronomy
ACTS Equivalent Course Number = PHSC 1204
ENGL 2213 World Literature I
ACTS Equivalent Course Number = ENGL 2113
ENGL 2223 World Literature II
ACTS Equivalent Course Number = ENGL 2113
Phil 2113 Introduction to Philosophy
ACTS Equivalent Course Number = PHIL 1103
HUMN 2113 Humanities: Art
ACTS Equivalent Course Number =ATRA 1003
HUMN 2123 Humanities: Music
ACTS Equivalent Course Number = MUSC 1003
HUMN 2133 Humanities: Theater
ACTS Equivalent Course Number = DRAM 1003
GOVT 2113 American Natl. Government
ACTS Equivalent Course Number = PLSC 2003
HIST 2113 U.S. History thru 1865
ACTS Equivalent Course Number = HIST 2113
HIST 2123 U.S. History since 1865
ACTS Equivalent Course Number = HIST 2123
HIST 1113 Civilization through 16th Century
ACTS Equivalent Course Number = HIST 1213
HIST 1123 Civilization since 16th Century
ACTS Equivalent Course Number = HIST 1223
ECON 2113 Principles of Macroeconomics
ACTS Equivalent Course Number = ECON 2103
ECON 2213 Principles of Microeconomics
ACTS Equivalent Course Number = ECON 2203
GEOG 1113 Geography
ACTS Equivalent Course Number = GEOG 1103
PSYC 1113 General Psychology
ACTS Equivalent Course Number = PSYC 1103
SOCI 1113 Introduction to Sociology
ACTS Equivalent Course Number = SOCI 1013