Program Progression / Transfer Policy
Students must pass each course with a minimum grade of “76%”. Failure to pass a course with a minimum grade of “76%” will result in dismissal from the nursing program. The student will have the option to re-apply to the stated re-admission policy.
The student must pass all first 1st semester courses to enter the 2nd semester clinical setting. The student must pass the entire 2nd semester courses to enter the 3rd semester clinical setting.
Students must achieve 90% on end of course dosage calculation test to progress.
Students will demonstrate selected skills competency throughout the semesters. If the students cannot demonstrate skills competency after three attempts, the student may be terminated from the program.
Any student evaluated as unsatisfactory in the clinical component of the course regardless of the theory grade, may be terminated from the program. If student successfully is readmitted to the program, the entire nursing process or process course will be repeated.
Clinical Eligibility Requirements
The Nursing Program is committed to providing meaningful experiential learning opportunities for all nursing students as a means to reinforce discipline specific knowledge and assist in developing appropriate professional skills and attributes. To this end ASUTR Health Sciences enters into agreements with various agencies to assist in providing student learning opportunities. These agreements require maintenance of comprehensive student records to permit eligibility for clinical experience. If immunizations etc., are not up-to-date the student will not be able to go to clinical until such time as the immunizations is brought current.
All missed clinical will be made up by the student no matter what the circumstance. There are no excused clinical absences. There will only be two clinical make up days scheduled per semester. If any student has more clinical days absent than make-up days allotted, the student may be terminated from the program.
The clinical facility has a right to deny clinical experiences to a student. Due to limited clinical opportunities as well as limited facilities; if a student is denied clinical experience, he/she may be subject to termination from the program.
Re-Admission Re-Application Does Not Guarantee Re-admission
A student who fails or withdraws for any reason may only reenter one time according to the clinical slots available. If a student desires to reenter, it must be the next subsequent semester to be considered to return. Once a student has been admitted to the program twice and does not complete the program on the second attempt they are no longer eligible to be readmitted to the program.
Transfer Policy
Applicants who have completed health related courses from another nursing program may be eligible to transfer to ASU Three Rivers (ASUTR). Placement within the curriculum will be made on an individual basis. Transfer students will be required to meet all admission requirements. There is a limited number of slots that may be available depending on the semester that student needs to transfer into. See catalog for requirements.
Health related courses are specific course to a nursing program, these are not the basic courses; i.e. Nutrition, Medical Terminology, Anatomy & Physiology, etc. Basic courses are usually transferrable; please contact Student Affairs at 501.332.5000 Ext. 1180 about basic courses transferring.
The applicant must:
Contact the Dean of Health Sciences to discuss prior health related courses and plan of action
Prior health related courses must be within three years between programs
Submit a copy of course descriptions or course syllabus for each course
The Dean and Registrar will review course content to verify that course work is equivalent to nursing courses offered at ASUTR.
The grading scale must be comparable to that utilized in the ASUTR nursing program.
The applicant must meet all requirements for acceptance into the nursing program; visit our website for additional information.
A letter of good standing from all previous nursing programs must be provided by the applicant.
The applicant must be in complete compliance with the College Advanced Placement Policy as outlined in the College Operating Policies and Procedures (COPP) 4.51.
Additional requirements for Advanced Standing will be individualized according to College requirements and the need of the student.
All of the above must be completed before the current application deadline for consideration for advanced placement.