Practical Nursing Program Requirements

1st Semester - Spring


Credit Hours

AHHS 1001

1st Year Interest Group


PNUR 1123

Pharmacology and Dosage Calculations


PNUR 1009

Nursing Process I


PNUR 1323 8 Weeks

Nursing Process V



Total Semester Credit Hours


COMPLETION AWARD: *Certificate of Proficiency in Basic Nursing Skills 

2nd Semester - Summer


Credit Hours

PNUR 1209

Nursing Process II



Total Semester Credit Hours


3rd Semester - Fall


Credit Hours

PNUR 1215

Nursing Process III


PNUR 1310

Nursing Process IV



Total Semester Credit Hours


Total Program Credit Hours                                     40

August Cohort

1st Semester - Summer


Credit Hours

AHHS 1001

1st Year Interest Group


PNUR 1123

Pharmacology and Dosage Calculations


PNUR 1009 

Nursing Process I



Total Semester Credit Hours


COMPLETION AWARD: *Certificate of Proficiency in Basic Nursing Skills 

2nd Semester - Fall


Credit Hours

PNUR 1209 

Nursing Process II


PNUR 1323 8 Weeks

Nursing Process V



Total Semester Credit Hours


3rd Semester - Spring


Credit Hours

PNUR 1215

Nursing Process III


PNUR 1310

Nursing Process IV



Total Semester Credit Hours


Total Program Credit Hours                                     40

(Credit hours are approved by the Arkansas State Board of Nursing)

COMPLETION AWARD: Technical Certificate in Practical Nursing


All courses required for the nursing program must be completed with a 76% or better. Nursing courses include a theory grade and/or with a lab/clinical grade. Both components of the course must be passed to progress in the program. Semester courses must be completed with a 76% or better before the student may progress to the next semester. At the end of each course a nationally validated test over material taught in class must be completed. The score made on the exam will count as a portion of the course grade.


Clinical experiences are designed to allow students to transfer knowledge gained through classroom presentations into "hands-on" practical applications. Rules and regulations regarding clinical experiences can be found in the nursing handbook and the clinical syllabus (issued on the first day of class). Local long-term care facilities, acute-care facilities, and ambulatory care centers will be utilized for clinical experiences. Transportation is not provided to these areas.

Re-Admission Re-Application Does Not Guarantee Re-admission

A student who fails or withdraws for any reason may only reenter one time according to the clinical slots available.  If a student desires to reenter, it must be the next subsequent semester to be considered to return.  Once a student has been admitted to the program twice and does not complete the program on the second attempt they are no longer eligible to be readmitted to the program.

Transfer Policy

Applicants who have completed health related courses from another nursing program may be eligible to transfer to ASU Three Rivers (ASUTR). Placement within curriculum will be made on an individual basis. Transfer students will be required to meet all admission requirements. There is a limited number of slots that may be available depending on the semester the student needs to transfer in to. See catalog for requirements.

Health related courses are specific courses to a nursing program, these are not the basic courses; i.e. Nutrition, Medical Terminology, Anatomy & Physiology, etc. Basic courses are usually transferable; please contact Student Affairs at 501.332.5000 Ext. 1180 about basic courses transferring.

The applicant must:

  • Contact the Dean of Health Sciences to discuss prior health related courses and plan of action

  • Submit a copy of course descriptions or course syllabus for each course.

  • The Dean and Registrar will review course content to verify that course work is equivalent to nursing courses offered at ASUTR.

  • The grading scale must be comparable to that utilized in the ASUTR nursing program.

  • The applicant must meet all requirements for acceptance into the nursing program; visit our website for additional information.

  • Transfer students must provide all required information by deadline given to them.