New Student Application Instructions

Welcome to the ASU Three Rivers online application for admission. Rest assured that the application is secure, and we respect your desire to have your personal information protected. The information regarding ethnicity, race, gender, parental education, marital status, and household information is collected for required state and federal reporting purposes. It is confidential and does not affect the admissions process. If you prefer to mail in your application, a paper copy is available.

In order to complete this application, you will need the following information:

  • Social Security Number

  • High School or GED center attended, including location and date of graduation

  • College(s) attended, including location

  • Name and telephone number of your Emergency Contact

  • Current e-mail address

You do not have to rush to enter all your information. As long as you specify at least some of your information including your first name, last name, and e-mail address), you can save your application and complete it later. After you save your application, the system will send you an e-mail with a link back to your application so that, when you are ready, you can complete and submit it.

After you submit the online application, it will be reviewed by the admission staff. After the staff verifies your application, you will receive an e-mail or letter indicating that the online application has been successfully received.

Applying for admission is only the FIRST STEP in becoming a student at the College. After your admission application is accepted, you will receive information regarding any missing documents, orientation sessions and registration opportunities.

The final step in the process, of course, is paying for your classes. There are three options to pay for your classes at The College:

  1. Students may pay for course tuition and fees in full.

  2. Students may set up a payment plan.

  3. Students may apply for financial aid.

If you want to apply for financial aid or have questions about available scholarships, please contact the college's Financial Aid Office at 501.332.0219, or visit the financial aid web page for information and useful links.

Nursing: To be considered for the RN or PN programs, a student must complete a college application for admission as well as the specific nursing program application. You may find information about the nursing programs requirements here.

Important Information

To save your application and complete it later, do the following:

After you save your application, the system will e-mail you information about how to access your application so you can complete it. Make sure the e-mail address you entered is correct.

To submit your application after you finish, do the following:

  1. Make sure you have entered at least your First Name, Last Name, and a valid E-mail address on your application form.

  2. Select Save

  3. Select Return to Applications to redisplay the Apply page.

  4. Review and verify ALL the information on your application. Once you submit your application, you will not be able to change the information on your application.

  5. Select the Application Policy link to view the College policy.

  6. Select I accept to indicate that you have read the policy and confirm that all of the information on your application is accurate.

  7. Select Submit Application.

To proceed to the online application, follow this link to our online application Apply Online to begin the process.