Federal Student Loans
Types of Student Loans
Information About Direct Student Loans
Entrance and Exit Counseling
Tips for Student Loan Borrowing
College Forms
You must notify the college either in writing or by email within 10 days if any of the following occur:
You drop below half-time status (6 credit hours), withdraw from ASU Three Rivers, or transfer to another school.
Change your address, telephone number, graduation date, or name (also notify the Registrar’s Office)
The college school code is 009976.
Information about the Master Promissory Note (MPN)

You must complete a Master Promissory Note (MPN) to receive the loan after the school certifies your loan request to the lender. To sign your Master Promissory Note, log in to your ASUTR portal and click on the Financial Aid link. On the Financial Aid page, click on the “Offer” tab, there you may accept your loans (you may accept in full, in part, or decline your loans.) This page allows you to view your Financial Aid summary in the ASUTR portal. If you accept loans, you will need to complete your MPN which may be found here.
You may also go directly through your studentaid.gov account, if you wish.
For additional information about the Master Promissory Note, please review the MPN information on studentaid.gov.