Applying For Federal Financial Aid

Apply for admission to ASU Three Rivers and complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).  Our Federal Student Code is 009976.

The FAFSA Application is available in electronic form via the internet.  The web address for this site is

Students should apply for all aid types every year to ensure they will not miss any deadlines for federal aid or Arkansas State University Three Rivers scholarships.  Actual deadlines fall between March 1 and July 1, but applications should be submitted by March 1 for priority consideration for all programs.  Student Aid Reports will be provided to the applicant by the Federal Processor three to five days after the student submits the FAFSA.  Applicants should review these forms very carefully!  The Financial Aid Office will email the applicant notification if additional documents are required.  Turn in all documents that are requested to the Financial Aid Office in order for the file to be reviewed as soon as possible.  Keep in mind that it can take up to two weeks for the review process in our office AFTER your file is complete.  So be sure to submit all requested documents promptly.

Once a file is complete, it will be reviewed by the Financial Aid Specialist who will package the federal aid award.  The award will be based on the information that was provided on the FAFSA.  An award letter will be emailed to the applicant.

The Financial Aid Office is available to assist with financial aid counseling, general information about financial resources, and application procedures.

ASU Three Rivers, ATTN: Office of Financial Aid
One College Circle, Malvern, AR 72104
(501) 337-5000 or (800) 337-0266
Email ASU Three Rivers